Mikayla's Journey ❤️

At 12 wks, I found out I was pregnant (talk about shocking news!), however there was a large hemorrhage just outside of my womb that threatened baby's ability to grow. I was told I would likely miscarry. 🥺
At 18 wks, I was told baby tested positive for an open neural-tube defect. I was warned that she would likely be born with spina bifida and based on blood work, her life quality would be low - if she survived being born at all. I was offered termination. 😳
At 22 wks, the hemorrhage had started to shrink. An ultrasound showed no spinal issues, or defects. 🙌🏽 She measured small, but was hanging in there. We just might make it. 🤞🏽
At 26 wks 5 days, I experienced a very rapid onset of severe pre-eclampsia - a very dangerous condition which is characterized by high blood pressure. I went to the hospital, purely on intuition. I felt ok, but something kept nagging me to get checked. At the very least, they'd tell me I was paranoid because of the complications we'd experienced and send me home. I'm SO GLAD I listened to my inner voice. By the time I arrived, my blood pressure had reached very dangerous levels. I was admitted immediately. After several hours of trying to gain control of my vitals, I was informed that both my daughter's & my life were in grave danger. She would need to be born in order to stop it from getting worse. I was made aware that our chances of surviving were 50/50. They promised to do everything they could to save us both, but at that point, there were no guarantees.